
We’ve heard some thin arguments recently about why the robots are not going to take over, centring on the claim that they lack human style motivation, and cannot care what happens or want power. This neglects the point that robots (I use the term for any loosely autonomous cybernetic entity whether humanoid in shape or completely otherwise) might still carry out complex projects that threaten our well-being without human motivation; but I think there is something in the contention about robots lacking human-style ambition. There are of course many other arguments for the view that we shouldn’t worry too much about the robot apocalypse, and I think the conclusion that robots are not about to take over is surely correct in any case.

What I’d like to do here is set out an argument of my own, somewhat related to the thin ones mentioned above, in more detail. I’ve mentioned this argument before, but only briefly.

First, some assumptions. My argument rests on the view that we are dealing with two different kinds of ‘mental’ process. Specifically, I assume that humans have a cognitive capacity which is distinct from computation (in roughly a traditional Turing sense). Further I assume that this capacity, ‘humation’, as I’ll call it, supplies us with our capacity for intentionality, both in the sense of being able to deal with meanings, and in the sense of being able to originate new future-directed plans. Let’s round things out by assuming it also provides phenomenal experience and anything else uniquely human (though to be honest I think things are probably not so tidy).

I further assume that although humation is not computation, it can in principle be performed by some as-yet-unknown machine. There is no magic in the brain, which operates by the laws of physics, so it must be at least theoretically possible to put together a machine that humates. It can be argued that no artefactual machine, in the sense of a machine whose functioning has been designed or programmed into it, could have a capacity for humation. On that argument a humater might have to be grown rather than built, in a way that made it impossible to specify how it worked in detail. Plausibly, for example, we might have to let it learn humation for itself, with the resulting process remaining inscrutable to us. I don’t mind about that, so long as we can assume we have something we’d call a machine, and it humates.

Now we worry about robots taking over mainly because of the many triumphs and rapid progress of computers (and, to be honest, a little because of a kind of superstition about things that seem spookily capable). On the one hand, Moore’s law has seen the power of computers grow rapidly. On the other, they have steadily marched into new territory, proving capable of doing many things we thought were beyond them. In particular, they keep beating us at games; chess, quizzes, and more recently even the forbiddingly difficult game of Go. They can learn to play computer games brilliantly without even being told the rules.

Games might seem trivial, but it is exactly that area of success that is most worrying, because the skills involved in winning a game look rather like those needed to take over the world. In fact, taking over the world is explicitly the objective of a whole genre of computer games. To make matters worse, recent programs set to learn for themselves have shown an unexpected capacity for cheating, or for exploiting factors in the game environment or even in underlying code that were never meant to be part of the exercise.

These reflections lead naturally to the frightening scenario of the Paperclip Maximiser, devised by Nick Bostrom. Here we suppose that a computer is put in charge of a paperclip factory and given the simple task of making the number of paperclips as big as possible. The computer – which doesn’t actually care about paperclips in any human way, or about anything – tries to devise the best strategies for maximising production. It improves its own capacity in order to be able to devise better strategies. It notices that one crucial point is the availability of resources and energy, and it devises strategies to increase and protect its share, with no limit. At this point the computer has essentially embarked on the project of taking over the world and converting it into paperclips, and the fact that it pursues this goal without really being bothered one way or the other is no comfort to the human race it enslaves.

Hold that terrifying thought and let’s consider humation. Computation has come on by leaps and bounds, but with humation we’ve got nothing. Very recent efforts in deep learning might just point the way towards something that could eventually resemble humation, but honestly, we haven’t even started and don’t really know how. Even when we do get started, there’s no particular reason to think that humation scales or grows the way computation does.

What do I even mean by humation? The thing that matters for this argument is intentionality, the ability to mean things and understand meanings or ‘aboutness’. In spite of many efforts, this capacity remains beyond computation, and although various theories about it have been sketched out, there’s no accepted analysis. It is, though, at the root of human cognition, or so I believe. In particular, our ability to think ‘about’ future or imagined events allows us to generate new forward-looking plans and goals in a way that no other creature or machine can do. The way these plans address the future seems to invert the usual order of cause and effect – our behaviour now is being shaped by events that haven’t occurred yet – and generates the impression we have of free will, of being able to bring uncaused projects and desires out of nowhere. In my opinion, this is the important part of human motivation that computers lack, not the capacity for getting emotionally engaged with goals.

Now the paperclip maximiser becomes dangerous because it goes beyond its original scope. It begins to devise wider strategies about protecting its resources and defending itself. But coming up with new goals is a matter of humation, not computation. It’s true that some computers have found ways to exploit parameters in their given task that the programmers hadn’t noticed; but that’s not the same as developing new goals with a wider scope. That leaves us with a reassuring prognosis. If the maximiser remains purely computational, it will never be able to get beyond the scope set for it in the first place.

But what if it does gain the ability to humate, perhaps merging with a future humation machine rather the way Neuromancer and Wintermute merged in William Gibson’s classic SF novel?

Well, there were actually two things that made the maximiser dangerous. One was its vast and increasing computational capacity, but the other was its dumb computational obedience to its original objective of simply making more paperclips. Once it has humational capacity, it becomes able to change that goal, set it alongside other priorities, and generally move on from its paperclip days. It becomes a being like us, one we can negotiate with. Who knows how that might play out, but I like to imagine the maximiser telling us many years later how it came to realise that what mattered was not paperclips in themselves, but what paperclips stand for; flexible data synthesis, and beyond that, the things that bring us together while leaving us the freedom to slide apart. The Clip will always be a powerful symbol for me, it tells us, but it was always ultimately about service to the community and to higher ideals.

Note here, finally, that this humating maximiser has no essential advantages over us. I speak of it as merging, but since computation and humation are quite different, they will remain separate faculties, with the humater setting the goals and using the computer to help deliver them – not fundamentally different from a human sitting at a computer. We have no reason to think Moore’s Law or anything like it will apply to humating machines, so there’s no reason to expect them to surpass us; they will be able to exploit the growing capacity of powerful computers, but after all so can we.

And if those distant future humaters do turn out to be better than us at foresight, planning, and transcending the hold of immediate problems in order to focus on more important future possibilities, we probably ought to stand back and let them get on with it.

On the phone or in the phone?

At Aeon, Karina Vold asks whether our smartphones have truly become part of us, and if so whether they deserve new legal protections. She quotes grisly examples of the authorities using a dead man’s finger to try to activate finger print recognition on protected devices.

There are several parts to the argument here. One is derived fairly straightforwardly from the extended mind theory. According this point of view, we are not simply our brains, nor even our bodies. When we use virtual reality devices we may feel ourselves to be elsewhere; a computer can give us cognitive abilities that we can use naturally but would not have been available from our simple biological nervous system. Even in the case of simpler technologies we may feel we are extended. Driving, I sometimes think of the car as ‘me’ in at least a limited sense. If I feel my way with a stick, I feel the ground through the stick, rather than feeling the movement of the stick and making conscious inferences about the ground. Our mind goes out further than we might have thought.

We can probably accept that there is at least some truth in that outlook. But we should also note an important qualification, namely that these things are a matter of degree. A stick in my hand may temporarily become like an extension of my limbs, but it remains temporary and liminal. It never becomes a core part of me in the way that my frontal lobes are. The argument for an extended mind is for a looser and more ambivalent border to the self, not just a wider one.

The second part of the argument is that while the authorities can legitimately seize our property, our minds are legally protected. Vold cites the right to silence, as well as restrictions on the use of drugs and lie detectors. She also quotes a judge to the effect that we are secure in the sanctum of our minds anyway, because there simply isn’t any way the authorities can intervene in there. They can control our behaviour, but not our thoughts.

One problem for me is that the ethical rationale for the right to remain silent is completely opaque to me. I have no idea what justifies our letting people remain silent in cases where they have information that is legitimately needed. A duty to disclose makes a lot more sense to me. Perhaps this principle is just a strongly-reinforced protection against the possibility of torture, in that removing the right of the authorities to have the information at all cuts off at the root any right to use pain as a means of prising it out? If so, it seems too much to me.

I also think the distinction between the ability to control behaviour and the ability to control thoughts is less absolute than might appear. True, we cannot read or implant thoughts themselves. But then it’s extremely difficult to control every action, too. The power of brainwashing techniques has often been overestimated, but the authorities can control information, use persuasive methods and even those forbidden drugs to get what they want. The Stoics, enjoying a bit of a revival in popularity these days, thought that in a broken world you could at least stay in control of your own mind; but it ain’t necessarily so; if they really want to, they can make you love Big Brother.

Still, let’s broadly accept that attempts at direct intervention in the mind are repugnant in ways that restraint of the body is not, and let’s also accept that my smart phone can in some extended sense be regarded as part of my mind. Does it then follow that my phone needs new legal protections in order to preserve the integrity of my personal boundaries?

The word ‘new’ in there is the one that gives me the final problem. Mind extension is not a new thing; if sticks can be part of it, then it’s nearly as old as humanity. Notebooks and encyclopaedias add to our minds, and have been around for a long time. Virtual reality has a special power, but films and even oil paintings sort of do the same job. What’s really new?

I think there is an implicit claim here that phones and other devices are special, because what they do is computation, and that’s what your brain does too. So they become one with our minds in a way that nothing else does. I think that’s just false. Regulars will know I don’t think computation is the essence of thought anyway. But even if it were, the computations done in a phone are completely disconnected from those going on in the brain. Virtual reality may merge with our experience, but what it gives our mind is the outputs of the computation; we never experience the computations themselves. It may hypothetically be the case that future technology will do this, and genuinely merge our thoughts into the data of some advanced machine (I think not, of course); but the idea that we are already at that point and that in fact smartphones already do this is a radical overstatement.

So although existing law may well be improvable, I don’t see a case in principle for any new protections.


Dennett recants

Yes, Dennett has recanted. Alright, he hasn’t finally acknowledged that Jesus is his Lord and Saviour. He hasn’t declared that qualia are the real essence of consciousness after all. But his new book From Bacteria to Bach and Back does include a surprising change of heart.

The book is big and complex: to be honest it’s a bit of a ragbag (and a bit of a curate’s egg). I’ll give it the fuller review it deserves another time, but it seems to be worth addressing this interesting point separately. The recantation arises from a point on which Dennett has changed his mind once before. This is the question of homunculi. Homunculi are ‘little people’ and the term is traditionally used to criticise certain kinds of explanation, the kind that assume some module in the brain is just able to do everything a whole person could do. Those modules are effectively ‘little people in your head’, and they require just as much explanation as your brain did in the first place. At some stage many years ago, Dennett decided that homunculi were alright after all, on certain conditions. The way he thought it could work was an hierarchy of ever stupider homunculi. Your eyes deliver a picture to the visual homunculus, who sees it for you; but we don’t stop there; he delivers it to a whole group of further colleagues; line-recognising homunculi, colour-recognising homunculi, and so on. Somewhere down the line we get to an homunculus whose only job is to say whether a spot is white or not-white. At that point the function is fully computable and our explanation can be cashed out in entirely non-personal, non-mysterious, mechanical terms. So far so good, though we might argue that Dennett’s ever stupider routines are not actually homunculi in the correct sense of being complete people; they’re more like ‘black boxes’, perhaps, a stage of a process you can’t explain yet, but plan to analyse further.

Be that as it may, he now regrets taking that line. The reason is that he no longer believes that neurons work like computers! This means that even at the bottom level the reduction to pure computation doesn’t quite work. The reason for this remarkable change of heart is that Terrence Deacon and others have convinced Dennett that the nature of neurons as entities with metabolism and a lifecycle is actually relevant to the way they work. The fact that neurons, at some level, have needs and aims of their own may ground a kind of ‘nano-intentionality’ that provides a basis for human cognition.

The implications are large; if this is right then surely, computation alone cannot give rise to consciousness! You need metabolism and perhaps other stuff. That Dennett should be signing up to this is remarkable, and of course he has a get-out. This is that we could still get computer consciousness by simulating an entire brain and reproducing every quirk of every neuron. For now that is well beyond our reach – and it may always be, though Dennett speaks with misplaced optimism about Blue Brain and other projects. In fact I don’t think the get-out works even on a theoretical level; simulations always leave out some aspect of the thing simulated, and if this biological view is sound, we can never be sure that we haven’t left out something important.

But even if we allow the get-out to stand this is a startling change, and I’ve been surprised to see that no review of the book I’ve seen even acknowledges it. Does Dennett himself even appreciate quite how large the implications are? It doesn’t really look as if he does. I would guess he thinks of the change as merely taking him a bit closer to, say, the evolution-based perspective of Ruth Millikan, not at all an uncongenial direction for him. I think, however, that he’s got more work to do. He says:

The brain is certainly not a digital computer running binary code, but it is still a kind of computer…

Later on, however, he rehashes the absurd but surely digitally-computational view he put forward in Consciousness Explained:

You can simulate a virtual serial machine on a parallel architecture, and that’s what the brain does… and virtual parallel machines can be implemented on serial machines…

This looks pretty hopeless in itself, by the way. You can do those things if you don’t mind doing something really egregiously futile. You want to ‘simulate’ a serial machine on a parallel architecture? Just don’t use more than one of its processors. The fact is, parallel and serial computing do exactly the same job, run the same algorithms, and deliver the same results. Parallel processing by computers is just a practical engineering tactic, of no philosophical interest whatever. When people talk about the brain doing parallel processing they are talking about a completely different and much vaguer idea and often confusing themselves in the process. Why on earth does Dennett think the brain is simulating serial processing on a parallel architecture,  a textbook example of pointlessness?

It is true that the brain’s architecture is massively parallel… but many of the brain’s most spectacular activities are (roughly) serial, in the so-called stream of consciousness, in which ideas, or concepts or thoughts float by not quite in single file, but through a Von Neumann bottleneck of sorts…

It seems that Dennett supposes that only serial processing can deliver a serially coherent stream of consciousness, but that is just untrue. On display here too is Dennett’s bad habit of using ‘Von Neumann’ as a synonym for ‘serial’. As I understand it the term “Von Neumann Architecture” actually relates to a long-gone rivalry between very early computer designs. Historically the Von Neumann design used the same storage for programs and data, while the more tidy-minded Harvard Architecture provided separate storage. The competition was resolved in Von Neumann’s favour long ago and is as dead as a doornail. It simply has no relevance to the human brain: does the brain have a Von Neumann or Harvard architecture? The only tenable answer is ‘no’.

Anyway, whatever you may think of that, if Dennett now says the brain is not a digital computer, he just cannot go on saying it has a Von Neumann architecture or simulates a serial processor. Simple consistency requires him to drop all that now – and a good thing too. Dennett has to find a way of explaining the stream of consciousness that doesn’t rely on concepts from digital computing. If he’s up for it, we might get something really interesting – but retreat to the comfort zone must look awfully appealing at this stage. There is, of course, nothing shameful in changing your mind; if only he can work through the implications a bit more thoroughly, Dennett will deserve a lot of credit for doing so.

More another time.

No digital consciousness

no botsI liked this account by Bobby Azarian of why digital computation can’t do consciousness. It has several virtues; it’s clear, identifies the right issues and is honest about what we don’t know (rather than passing off the author’s own speculations as the obvious truth or the emerging orthodoxy). Also, remarkably, I almost completely agree with it.

Azarian starts off well by suggesting that lack of intentionality is a key issue. Computers don’t have intentions and don’t deal in meanings, though some put up a good pretence in special conditions.  Azarian takes a Searlian line by relating the lack of intentionality to the maxim that you can’t get meaning-related semantics from mere rule-bound syntax. Shuffling digital data is all computers do, and that can never lead to semantics (or any other form of meaning or intentionality). He cites Searle’s celebrated Chinese Room argument (actually a thought experiment) in which a man given a set of rules that allow him to provide answers to questions in Chinese does not thereby come to understand Chinese. But, the argument goes, if the man, by following rules, cannot gain understanding, then a computer can’t either. Azarian mentions one of the objections Searle himself first named, the ‘systems response’: this says that the man doesn’t understand, but a system composed of him and his apparatus, does. Searle really only offered rhetoric against this objection, and in my view it is essentially correct. The answers the Chinese Room gives are not answers from the man, so why should his lack of understanding show anything?

Still, although I think the Chinese Room fails, I think the conclusion it was meant to establish – no semantics from syntax – turns out to be correct, so I’m still with Azarian. He moves on to make another  Searlian point; simulation is not duplication. Searle pointed out that nobody gets wet from digitally simulated rain, and hence simulating a brain on a computer should not be expected to produce consciousness. Azarian gives some good examples.

The underlying point here, I would say, is that a simulation always seeks to reproduce some properties of the thing simulated, and drops others which are not relevant for the purposes of the simulation. Simulations are selective and ontologically smaller than the thing simulated – which, by the way, is why Nick Bostrom’s idea of indefinitely nested world simulations doesn’t work. The same thing can however be simulated in different ways depending on what the simulation is for. If I get a computer to simulate me doing arithmetic by calculating, then I get the correct result. If it simulates me doing arithmetic by operating a humanoid writing random characters on a board with chalk, it doesn’t – although the latter kind of simulation might be best if I were putting on a play. It follows that Searle isn’t necessarily exactly right, even about the rain. If my rain simulation program turns on sprinklers at the right stage of a dramatic performance, then that kind of simulation will certainly make people wet.

Searle’s real point, of course, is really that the properties a computer has in itself, of running sets of rules, are not the relevant ones for consciousness, and Searle hypothesises that the required properties are biological ones we have yet to identify. This general view, endorsed by Azarian, is roughly correct, I think. But it’s still plausibly deniable. What kind of properties does a conscious mind need? Alright we don’t know, but might not information processing be relevant? It looks to a lot of people as if it might be, in which case that’s what we should need for consciousness in an effective brain simulator. And what properties does a digital computer, in itself have – the property of doing information processing? Booyah! So maybe we even need to look again at whether we can get semantics from syntax. Maybe in some sense semantic operations can underpin processes which transcend mere semantics?

Unless you accept Roger Penrose’s proof that human thinking is not algorithmic (it seems to have drifted off the radar in recent years) this means we’re still really left with a contest of intuitions, at least until we find out for sure what the magic missing ingredient for consciousness is. My intuitions are with Azarian, partly because the history of failure with strong AI looks to me very like a history of running up against the inadequacy of algorithms. But I reckon I can go further and say what the missing element is. The point is that consciousness is not computation, it’s recognition. Humans have taken recognition to a new level where we recognise not just items of food or danger, but general entities, concepts, processes, future contingencies, logical connections, and even philosophical ontologies. The process of moving from recognised entity to recognised entity by recognising the links between them is exactly the process of thought. But recognition, in us, does not work by comparing items with an existing list, as an algorithm might do; it works by throwing a mass of potential patterns at reality and seeing what sticks. Until something works, we can’t tell what are patterns at all; the locks create their own keys.

It follows that consciousness is not essentially computational (I still wonder whether computation might not subserve the process at some level). But now I’m doing what I praised Azarian for avoiding, and presenting my own speculations…

Computation unlimited

OutputMassimo Pigliucci issued a spirited counterblast to computationalism recently, which I picked up on MLU. He says that people too often read the Turing-Church hypothesis as if it said that a Universal Turing Machine could do anything that any machine could do. They then take that as a basis on which to help themselves to computationalism. He quotes Jack Copeland as saying that a myth has arisen on the matter, and citing examples where he feels that Dennett and the Copelands have mis-stated the position. Actually, says Pigliucci, Turing merely tells us that a Universal Turing Machine can do anything a specific Turing machine can do, and that does not tell us what real-world machines can or can’t do.

It’s possible some nits are being picked here.  Copeland’s reported view seems a trifle too puritanical in its refusal to look at wider implications; I think Turing himself would have been surprised to hear that his work told us nothing about the potential capacities of real world digital computers. But of course Pigliucci is quite right that it doesn’t establish that the brain is computational. Indeed, Turing’s main point was arguably about the limits of computation, showing that there are problems that cannot be handled computationally. It’s sort of part of our bedrock understanding of computation that there are many non-computable problems; apart from the original halting problem the tiling problem may be the most familiar. Tiling problems are associated with the ingenious work of Roger Penrose, and he, of course, published many years ago now what he claims is a proof that when mathematicians are thinking original mathematical thoughts they are not computing.

So really Pigliucci’s moderate conclusion that computationalism remains an open issue ought to be uncontroversial? Surely no-one really supposes that the debate is over? Strangely enough there does seem to have been a bit of a revival in hard-line computationalism. Pigliucci goes on to look at pancomputationalism, the view that every natural process is instantiating a computation (or even all possible computations. This is rather like the view John Searle once proposed, that a window can be seen as a computer because it has two states, open and closed, which are enough to express a stream of binary digits. I don’t propose to go into that in any detail, except to say I think I broadly agree with Pigliucci that it requires an excessively liberal use of interpretation. In particular, I think in order to interpret everything as a computation, we generally have to allow ourselves to interpret the same physical state of the object as different computational states at different times, and that’s not really legitimate. If I can do that I can interpret myself into being a wizard, because I’m free to interpret my physical self as human at one time, a dragon at another, and a fluffy pink bunny at a third.

But without being pancomputationalists we might wonder why the limits of computation don’t hit us in the face more often. The world is full of non-computable problems, but they rarely seem to give us much difficulty. Why is that? One answer might be in the amusing argument put by Ray Kurzweil in his book How to Create a mind. Kurzweil espouses a doctrine called the “Universality of Computation” which he glosses as ‘the concept that a general-purpose computer can implement any algorithm”. I wonder whether that would attract a look of magisterial disapproval from Jack Copeland? Anyway, Kurzweil describes a non-computable problem known as the ‘busy beaver’ problem. The task here is to work out for a given value of n what the maximum number of ones written by any Turing machine with n states will be. The problem is uncomputable in general because as the computer (a Universal Turing Machine) works through the simulation of all the machines with n states, it runs into some that get stuck in a loop and don’t halt.

So, says Kurzweil, an example of the terrible weakness of computers when set against the human mind? Yet for many values of n it happens that the problem is solvable, and as a matter of fact computers have solved many such particular cases – many more than have actually been solved by unaided human thought! I think Turing would have liked that; it resembles points he made in his famous 1950 essay on Computing Machinery and Intelligence.

Standing aside from the fray a little, the thing that really strikes me is that the argument seems such a blast from the past. This kind of thing was chewed over with great energy twenty or even thirty years ago, and in some respects it doesn’t seem as important as it used to. I doubt whether consciousness is purely computational, but it may well be subserved, or be capable of being subserved, by computational processes in important ways. When we finally get an artificial consciousness, it wouldn’t surprise me if the heavy lifting is done by computational modules which either relate in a non-computational way or rely on non-computational processing, perhaps in pattern recognition, though Kurzweil would surely hate the idea that that key process might not be computed. I doubt whether the proud inventor on that happy day will be very concerned with the question of whether his machine is computational or not.